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Thursday, May 25, 2017

10 survival skills that need to be trained by the child!

10 survival skills that need to be trained by the child!

Orientation on the ground

Basic survival skill. The child should understand what a compass and map is. And also be able to navigate them. Also should know about the main landmarks of the area in which it is located - rivers, mountains, lakes, main roads. Is it difficult? No. Already something, and on the cards in the strategic games, the kids are perfectly oriented, and here the same principle plus a minimum of additional knowledge.

First aid

Perhaps the most popular reason why a child was left alone in the forest - something happened to the adults. Bruising, fracture or loss of consciousness, a sudden attack of the disease. If the child knows the basic rules of first aid, he will not only be able to save his life, but also, perhaps, yours.
The main difficulty here is to learn not to panic, but to act quickly and clearly. To practice skills before automatism, so that the child knew exactly that if this is what happened - you need to take or give out such and such tablets. That if someone broke his arm, then you need to build a tire. Can the child remember this? Of course, it can - in games, algorithms are necessary and it is more difficult to remember and apply.

Meeting with wild animals

One of the possible causes of injury and incapacity of parents – are wild animals or snakes. Most often - it's snakes. Therefore, the child must clearly understand that this crawling garbage is better to avoid, rather than throw stones or sticks into it. Also, it is worthwhile explaining to the child the danger of ticks and how to get rid of them. This survival skill will surely come in handy.

Extraction of fire

If staying in the open area is delayed, the child will have to build a fire for himself and for you (you are considered to be conditionally alive, but absolutely incompetent). And yes, it's extremely difficult. Even a skilful survivor does not always breed a bonfire without matches, what can we say about the child. Therefore, yes, teach him the basic and most simple methods of obtaining fire, but put in his pocket a flint or a full-fledged inviolable stock. Provided, of course, which the child understands what it is, why it is needed and how it works.

Preparation of a campfire

Teach your child how to properly build a bonfire, which branches to use for this and where they can in principle be found. After all, even successfully divining the fire, the child can stupidly not cope with his support without adequate knowledge. Also, it would be superfluous to tell about two basic principles - either the bonfire burns hot (for cooking), or long (for overnight and warming). This survival skill can be critical if the incident occurred in the autumn or winter and the immediate survival of all the participants in the incident depends on the presence of the fire.

Shelter construction

Logically continues our situation. The animals have left, the first aid has been rendered, the fire has somehow been divorced and the night is approaching. We need to build some shelter in case of rain. It is hardly rational to teach a child to use a knife or an ax at such a young age, but without them something simple can be built. Any one-story hut with a litter bed (hi, ticks, but you already know how to fight). Also an important part of this survival skill knows where the shelter can be put, and where it's dangerous.

Extraction of water

Because of the extreme situation, the body begins to lose significantly more fluid than normal. Therefore, the search for water and water treatment is an extremely important survival skill. The child should know what water can be drunk, which one should be boiled beforehand, and which one should be ignored altogether. For this, we will have to explain in detail about microbes, parasites and poisoning. And do not be afraid that the children will not understand - if it's normal to explain, and not just say "do it just like that" - it's a good idea what's what. It is also not bad to teach him the simplest way to extract water with the help of condensation.

Finding a Fodder

Honestly, this survival skill is extremely useful, but also very dangerous. Even an experienced survivor does not always correctly determine what is possible and what is not. And the child's critical thinking is much less, so the instruction follows the simplest principles. Berries, which certainly do not mix with poisonous, the basics of fishing, edible roots, which again, with nothing can be confused - that's what the child should know.

Physical training

Perhaps, the most important skill of survival, as a child should be physically able to do what you teach him. And for this you need to instill in your child a love of sport and training. And no, forcibly having written into the karate section, you will not plant it. But a personal example - very much so. Seriously, you should be an example for your child to follow in everything - then there will be no problems with training. The child will want to be as steep as the folder, and not as the invented characters of computer games and movies.

Psychological training

Okay, the child knows everything, can by heart list the edible roots in the nearby forests, can wander for hours on the rough terrain. Now it's up to practice. After all, the best way to survive in an extreme situation is to do what you know at the level of automatism. Therefore, practice, practice and practice again. And, of course, a positive personal example.

The main thing that must be learned: your child is not an infantile idiot who does not understand what is going on around him. He has your genes, so in your power to help him realize his potential. Yes, it will be difficult. But when you succeed, the child will thank you. And not only for an interesting and rich childhood, but also for the fact that you helped him become a real man.

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