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Monday, June 19, 2017

Causes of forest fire

Causes of forest fire:

• Careless treatment of a person with fire;
• Non-compliance with safety measures when breeding fires in the forest belt;
• Children’s pranks with matches in the forest park area;
• burning of garbage, dry grass in close proximity to the forest;
• Accidental sparks from the exhaust pipes of a car or motorcycle;
• Lightning strikes a tree;
• Ignition of the wiping material impregnated with oil, gasoline or other spontaneously combustible composition;
• Accidental focusing of sunlight with bottle glass.

To avoid a fire in the forest, it is forbidden:
• Throw in the forest burning matches, cigarette butts, smoldering rags;
• To build a bonfire in dense thickets and coniferous young growth, under low-hanging crowns of trees, next to wood storages;
• Leave in the forest a self-igniting material: a rag and rags soaked in oil, gasoline, glassware, which in sunny weather can focus the sun's rays and ignite the dry vegetation;
• Burn dry grass on forest glades, in gardens, in fields, under trees;
• Build a fire in windy weather and leave it unattended;
• Use on the hunt of dust from flammable or smoldering materials.

The fuel can be fueled by refueling the fuel tanks of the vehicle with the engine running, as well as a malfunction of the engine power system. In some cases, natural fires are the result of deliberate arson, anthropogenic accident or catastrophe.

Security measures and rules of conduct in the forest:
• Kindle a fire only in specially designated places.
• If there are no such places, then independently prepare a site for its breeding, clearing it of grass, leaves and branches to the ground.
• Before leaving the parking lot, the fire must be completely extinguished. Leave the resting place, only making sure that no log or branch is smoldering anymore.

• In case of a dangerous fire, extinguish the fire with water or, throwing it with earth, you can shoot down the branches of deciduous trees.

Survival in the wild.

Articles on adventures and survival in the wild can be found here!

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