Practical advice and recommendations in case of fire in the forest
it's warm dry weather (albeit not everywhere) and in newsfeeds you can often
find stories about forest fires in various parts of the world. Do you remember
how in June 2015 in
during a forest fire killed 9 professional fire brigade commandos?
were thrown into the taiga in order to prevent the spread of a grassroots fire,
but the last one from the grasshopper crossed into the upper fire. Of the 12
members of the group, only 3 survived...
terrible incidents of fires in London and Portugal
also raise serious concerns.
in itself is a very extreme environment for survival. However, it happens that
not only harsh obstacles arise on the way of the wanderer, but the elemental
forces themselves threaten his life. To such deadly phenomena it is possible to
carry hurricanes, typhoons, floods, avalanches, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions
and fires. We will talk about survival in fire traps in this book. So, you are
in the forest enveloped by fire or steppe. It is not so important what caused the
fire: from a lightning strike or human activity. This does not change the fact
that the fire is on you, burning everything in its path. We must save
myself was in a forest fire. We trained units, practiced actions to intercept
small enemy sabotage forces in the forest area. First there was smoke, after a
couple of hours we ran along the fire, jumping a low flame, jumping from one
burnt area of the surface to the other. It was very unpleasant,
but at that moment I was sure that in case of deterioration of the situation I
could lead the group to a safe area. I remember how we lay in the position,
there was a halt, people were looking intensively at the smoky forest, about
ten meters away the bushes were burning, and then a man comes out of the smoke.
Silhouette - a fighter with a gun in his hand and a backpack behind him.
four men with weapons, pointed at a man, jumped out of nowhere, everyone froze.
The man in panic, we are at a loss. As it turned out, it was a fireman with a
hand pump, and behind him was a container of water. He walked and, if possible,
put out fires, and here we are. They quarreled, he asked if we burned the
forest here, we, of course, rejected the unostentatious accusation and asked
him to leave the exercise zone. As a result, the exercises were canceled, and
the whole personnel helped the firemen to stop the fire ... The good thing was
that there was no wind and everything turned out...
enough lyrics, let's get to the bottom of the question. Below you will find
information on how to survive in a forest fire.
a forest fire is a terrible natural disaster, with catastrophic consequences
for the surrounding nature, buildings and people. Anyone can face a forest
fire, and the more often you travel, the greater the chance to meet him. And
that this meeting was not for you the last, you should know how to survive in a
forest fire.
grassroots fire occurs most often in deciduous forests. The height of the flame
reaches 2-8 ft ,
the propagation velocity is 0.2-0,62
mi / h, the temperature in the fire zone is 400-1 652, °F .
fire usually happens in coniferous forests. Speed of propagation along the wind is 10-15, mi / h, in windlessness
- 1-2 mi
/ h, the temperature in the fire zone reaches 3000 °F . Mounted fire is
very scary, especially in strong winds. God forbid to get into this hell, the
chances of survival in such a forest fire are much less than in the grassroots.
often than not, a forest fire is provoked by human negligence: extinguished
fires, abandoned cigarette butts, smoldering cartridges, fallen after a shot in
the grass. Less often it is formed as a result of a lightning strike, a shot in
a dead wood.
Indirect signs of a fire can be seen from a long
• A
steady smell of burning, brought by the wind, foggy smoke;
Restless behavior of animals, birds, insects, their migration in one direction,
night flight and loud cries of birds;
• A
night glow in one of the horizon points;
Gleams of light on low clouds.
forest fire during the dry weather. Especially in late spring - early in
summer, when there is a lot of dry past-year foliage and grass on the surface
of the earth, a fire can easily flare up.
survive in a forest fire, you need to know the rules of behavior in a forest
the event of a fire, small pockets - burning bushes, grass - must be
extinguished immediately. Flame fill with water, cover with sand, earth, cover
with pieces of tarpaulin, trample down, knock off with wet rags, clothes and
bundles of raw foliage. Beat better from the side, towards the fire, with a
slight pressure after the impact.
you have managed to meet on your way a forest fire, you need to quickly, but
carefully analyze the situation (efficiency - the key factor of survival):
first and foremost - the direction and strength of the wind, the terrain. The
fire always spreads to the side where the smoke is coming, so determine the
fire’s focus, the direction and speed of it’s spreading, and immediately starts
moving to a safe place, orientated on the map. With the rapid approach of the
front of the fire, drop some of the equipment, leaving only the "emergency"
backpack, first aid kit, signaling and food.
main thing - DO NOT PANIC!
soon as you start to rush and make rash steps, the chances of your survival
will begin to melt rapidly. This rule applies to all emergencies.
the course of the movement, it is necessary to remember the places of
"relative safety" (small rivers, lakes, glades, fringes), to which,
if necessary, it will be possible to return.
the fire is only necessary on the windward side (to go in the direction of the
wind, so that it beats you in the face), bypassing the fire from the side.
cover from the fire follows on islands and shallows of lakes, wide rivers,
exposed areas of marshes, on rocky peaks of ridges above the forest level, on
approaching a forest fire, moisten the clothes abundantly, lie down in the
water (near there should be no reeds!), Making sure that the tops of the
falling trees do not reach the place of your shelter. In shallow water, wrap in
clothing with your head, after wetting it.
in the fire, periodically turn, wetting the dried out areas of the clothing
a multi-layer bandage for the face - gauze or tank top, which is periodically
moistened with water. To survive in a fire, do not burn very much, you can not
breathe combustion products, otherwise you will at least lose consciousness.
limbs, open areas of the body protect from fire, wrapped in material,
unnecessary clothes and water.
order not to suffocate and not to burn a lung, it is necessary to breathe as
close as possible to the ground, where the temperature is lower and the air is
purer. If you are hiding from a fire at a height, for example on a rock, you
will not have to breathe very deeply the products of combustion. Accordingly,
without respiratory protection means, consider height only as an extreme
not try to escape from a forest fire, moving up a hill that has vegetation. In
this direction, the fire will move faster, and if the top is already on fire,
burning fragments can fly down.
you get into the focus of a forest fire, you need to remove all nylon, kapron
and other melting clothing from the body, get rid of combustible and
inflammable equipment.
there is absolutely nowhere to go - the last resort is a breakthrough in those
areas where everything has already burned out. However, this action may be the
last thing you will do in the case of miscalculation, for if you do not guess
the width of the fiery wall and can not overcome it, you will perish.
authors of articles on survival in a forest fire advise that if you were caught
in a forest fire in a car - stop and wait out a fire in the car, saying that
they survive even when the glasses begin to melt. That's bullshit!!! Even
passing a few meters from a fire with closed windows, you immediately feel the
heat of fire! Extremely unpleasant sensations, I tell you! Can you imagine what
kind of oven will be from the car when the glasses begin to melt in it? So, if
there is an opportunity to break through on the machine - break through, if not
- throw it, even if it is in your credit and you have long been dreaming about
it. Life is more expensive!
met publications in which it is proposed to excavate a pit, sprinkle them with
earth and wait for the fire there. Immediately imagine myself baked in coals
potatoes ... No, of course if the fire moves very quickly and you have time to
dig a hole and how to dig it, and fire will have time to pass before you fry -
forward. But I never go for this and do not advise you. Bury yourself in the
ground - this, I think, is not the best way to survive.
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